In the small, quiet town of Pine Valley, high school junior Winnie, known as Win to her friends, finds solace in the pages of books and the peace of the library. Her life takes an unexpected turn when Oliver, a new student from the bustling city, arrives and takes the seat across from her in the library. Despite their differences, they discover a shared love for reading and a growing connection that blossoms into something special.
As they navigate the challenges of small-town gossip and the pressures of high school, Win and Oliver's bond deepens. From quiet afternoons in the library to magical evenings at the fall festival and the enchanting Winter Ball, their romance unfolds with tender moments and heartfelt promises.
Through the ups and downs, they learn the true meaning of love, support, and honesty. As graduation approaches, they face the future with hope and excitement, ready to embrace new adventures and build a life together.
"Always, Win. Always." is a heartwarming teen romance that explores the beauty of young love, the strength of connection, and the promise of forever.
Diana is an 18 year old girl about to start her senior year until she bumps into a woman at the bookstore who has quite the personality. The woman takes the book Diana had her eye on.
Diana's senior year soon becomes one she would have never expected when the book thief and her meet again.
This is not edited so it might be a little messy and it is not a slow burn!!!
Story includes:
-mention of abuse
^Do not read if you are disturbed with these!!