Angel Shishido-Drake, better known as Dragon to everyone, is suppose to uphold the Drake legacy with her seventeen half-siblings. Of course, Dragon tends to be the problem of the family. Twenty-two years old, Dragon should be in her prime, but instead she's just in the prime for trouble. Due to her troublesome actions and the shameful act she committed eight years ago, she is forced to repay the debt she owes her mother. She doesn't do this by working her day job as an assistant mechanic or her evening job of being a bartender at a local university bar. She is forced to work at the Lilac Lounge, a high-class brothel her mother owns for the world's elite to enjoy their time.
Despite this, Dragon is sane. Everything that happens at Lilac helps her to grow, and twist the reality of love, money, and power into a dark beast that breathes an angry inferno into her. Although she struggles with herself, she has to participate in her mother's idea of the Hunger Games: an event that will test the Drake heirs to see who will carry on the Drake Legacy when their mother is gone. Dragon considers resigning, giving up the last name Drake to become just Angel Shishido; yet, becoming the absolute heir may be the ultimate form of revenge Dragon desires to enact upon her mother. She just has to decide if she's ready to become the bitter beast her mother became, or to choose a different path for herself.