13 parts Ongoing In a world where ancient curses and powerful sorcerers collide, Suki, the daughter of the infamous Sukuna, grapples with her extraordinary heritage. As she strives to forge her own path, Suki trains under renowned mentors like Kakashi and the Hokage, honing her skills while uncovering the truth about her lineage.
When a dire mission arises to rescue Gaara from the clutches of the Akatsuki, Suki finds herself at the forefront of a perilous journey. Tasked with locating the elusive members of the notorious organization, she must confront not only external threats but also her inner demons and the weight of her father's legacy.
With the fate of her allies hanging in the balance, Suki navigates treacherous alliances, battles formidable foes, and discovers the true meaning of strength. As she faces challenges that test her resolve, she learns that being Sukuna's daughter does not define her-it's her choices and determination that will carve out her destiny.
Join Suki on an exhilarating adventure filled with action, friendship, and self-discovery as she strives to become a powerful sorcerer in her own right, while battling the shadows of her father's past.