Desmaiah Evira Fuentes, a vibrant young woman with a sweet tooth and a sunny disposition, finds herself drawn to "Sweet Taste," a charming bakery owned by the enigmatic Mr. Lim. Their connection starts with shared love for pastries, but soon blossoms into a secret, intoxicating attraction.
Mr. Lim, a master baker with a mysterious aura, creates a special cake for Evira, christened "Veincent Leal Lim Victoria," a name that whispers of a deeper connection. With each bite, Evira feels a growing sense of allure and a strange, inexplicable pull towards Mr. Lim.
As their bond deepens, Mr. Lim introduces Evira to a forbidden fruit, "The Forbidden Fruit," a single, glistening apple that unlocks a hidden desire within her. The taste is intoxicating, addictive, and awakens a primal craving for more.
Evira finds herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, torn between her innocent charm and the dangerous allure of Mr. Lim's possessive nature. The line between love and possession blurs, and Victoria must confront the consequences of her sweet temptation.
This first installment of "Victoria's Possession" explores the intoxicating power of desire, the seductive nature of forbidden fruit, and the thrilling dance between love and control. It's a story of a young woman's awakening, a journey into the unknown, and a taste of something that could change her life forever.
"The Hacker and the Mob Boss" ❦
Reyna Fields seems to be an ordinary girl with her thick-framed glasses, baggy clothes, hair always up in a ponytail, and her head tucked away behind a computer screen. However, no one knows she's armed with a genius IQ and a heart of gold. She hacks her way into virtual systems on a search for her mother.
Unfortunately for her, she has hacked into the wrong database. She hacked into the database of the notorious mob boss, Santino "Saint" Venturi.
Saint is the opposite of his name. He's known for his ruthlessness. As a mob boss to a mafia, he learned to eat or be eaten. When Reyna stumbles upon his database, a plan dispersed into his mind. He's going to take her.
"I don't share, angel."
"He's a friend," she found herself saying. Dante was too busy staring at her to notice the fiery glare in Saint's eyes. She was mentally praying that Dante would just look away.
His fingers trailed up her leg before his hand latched onto her sex. He held her there while a small gasp left her lips. "I will fuck you on this table if he doesn't stop looking at what belongs to me."
#5 romance - 6/26/22
Dark Romance
Cover by @-simplyhan