Hope Satana Esguerra, an ordinary woman who can do nothing but obey her adopted parents' wants, faces a grim fate. Due to their greed and debt, they plan to sell her to the Yakuza. Unable to disobey them, Hope finds herself thrust into a dangerous world she never imagined.
Godric Douglas Matsunaga, a multi-billionaire who has been secretly admiring Hope from afar, has been afraid he might scare her. However, upon hearing the news that the woman he loves is about to be sold to the Yakuza, he immediately rushes to buy her, offering billions to her adopted parents.
"In my world full of darkness, you are my light, my Hope." - Godric Douglas.
This is the story of Hope Satana Esguerra and Godric Douglas Matsunaga.
Indebted to the Multi-Billionaire by Azefinxx
Genre: Romance, Action
Status: On-going | Tag-Lish
STARTED: July 24, 2024
ENDED: ???
When Hanji brings home a new neko named Eren, Levi finds himself unable to resist the adorableness. Doesn't help that Levi is an Alpha neko and Eren is an Omega neko.
Neko!Levi x Neko!Eren
【Contains smut, Levi's shitty humour, fluff and mpreg and much more】
German version by GamerGirl0518