Imani Carter is an ordinary girl who just moved from the small town of West Atlanta, Georgia to the big, rural outskirts of Western New York. At first, she thought moving would be a new beginning for her and she would finally be one of the popular girls. Unfortunately, she was very wrong. Regina Sinclair, the mean girl, and Brent Reynolds, the school's quarterback of Westbrook High want to make things miserable for Imani and have had it out for her since day one. And to make matters worse, they are both in love with the same guy, Bryson Hollingsworth, the cutest guy in the whole school. Although Imani is in love with Bryson, she slowly starts to have feelings for Brent, even though he bullies her a lot. As a result, her feelings for these two men have complicated her friendships, made her the target of bullying and embarrassment, and have also had effects on her mental health. But, the question is, who will Imani choose?