Naugus has taken over the kingdom of Acorn once more after King Nigel, mysteriously disappears and Elias becomes king again but is exiled by Naugus along with Royal Army Commander Amadeus Prower, Former Apprentice Geoffrey St. John, and Freedom Fighter Antoine D'Coolette. Naugus has even teamed himself up with renown evil scientist Dr. Starline and shapeshifter Mimic the Octopus, the former helping Naugus kidnap Secret Freedom Fighter Shard the Metal Sonic, and hack into his Power Gem and force him to be loyal to the villains. Naugus hadn't exiled the rest of the Freedom Fighters or the Royal Army so the citizens felt more safe, and said he exiled Amadeus and Antoine because they had committed a low form of treason! (This is just a random AU. Those who are in the Post-Genesis Wave (except Naugus but doesn't suffer mutations) have their designs of the Post-SGW)