Sunoo takes a tentative step backwards almost tripping on his sneakers. A worried look crossed his features as he glances up at Joss. "What if I hurt you?" He whispers. Sunoo could barely make eye contact with her. He couldn't forgive himself if he hurt Joss. Joss steps forward only for Sunoo to take two steps back. "I know you're dangerous, but I also know you won't hurt me". She assures Sunoo. Deep down she knew that Sunoo wouldn't hurt her. She put all her trust in him and she could see the conflict in his eyes. The very eyes that she fell in love with the first day that they met. Joss takes a hold of his cold hand a sad smile gracing her lips. "If anything happens to me-"Which nothing will. I assure you. I will keep you safe no matter what". Sunoo interrupts her. He couldn't fathom if something happened to her. A tear slipped from her eye landing on Sunoo's hand. "If something happens to me, I want you to be the one to do it. You promised me". She let out. Sunoo looks into her eyes remembering their promise to each other. He gulps down the hard lump in his throat. "I will turn you, but only if you say yes". Sunoo whispers a tear rolling down his cheek.All Rights Reserved