In a medieval fantasy world, a pregnant young queen escapes from her kingdom after being betrayed by another kingdom following their struggle against demons. Fortunately, she has a backup plan for shelter: a fallen alien spaceship hidden within a large mountain, a place no one has discovered. She learned of this location long ago and kept it a secret ever since she was a young girl, as she promised the alien golems, known as the Lengkawi.
The queen spends her entire pregnancy in this hidden dungeon. Tragically, her son is stillborn. However, one of the alien golems, Talaku, the creator and leader of all alien golems, steps forward. Talaku sacrifices himself to transfer his soul into the dead baby, reviving the child. Talaku's actions stem from his own old and broken state, and his desire to alleviate her sadness and depression. After a sorrowful farewell to her first friend, she names her son Nathriel, after a warrior angel.
The queen and Nathriel live together in the fallen alien spaceship. Nathriel grows to love stories and fictional books. He discovers his power to turn objects into crystals, which are used to create golem cores. The first time he uses his power, he creates a small golem. The queen realizes this power came from Talaku.
When Nathriel turns ten, the queen creates a floating, intelligent golem sphere. She has learned golem engineering from Talaku and the other alien golems. She instructs the sphere golem to protect her son at all costs, and then she leaves the hidden spaceship, never to return.
Ten years later, Nathriel is now twenty. He still lives in the fallen spaceship with the golems, spending his days playing with them, reading books, and creating new golems. Everything changes when adventurers discover the hidden spaceship, and for the first time, Nathriel meets other humans. This encounter marks the beginning of his new adventure.
ROTWOTA: Book 3 - Resistance, Rebellion, and Revenge
19 parts Ongoing Mature
19 parts
I recommend reading the first two parts before this!
After only two weeks into the anthro takeover, things have gone right and wrong on both sides.
Emma, Cody, Eric, and many more human and engine survivors have fought to escape to a safe haven within the Biltmore estate and village in North Carolina. However, with tension between new and old faces slowly arising, everyone will inevitably have to face the war in order to survive, or at least make it out while staying themselves, physically and mentally.
Meanwhile, on the opposite side, June and her friends and family just fighting to stay alive slowly begin to realize they're more important than they think. As not long after, they're forced back into battle to help continue their part in bringing about the end of the human race.
However, many don't realize at first that they have more in common than they think. All they know is that many of those they've been acquainted with will likely make it out alive or as themselves. Now it's up to them to partner with their new and old friends and equate one another as allies against powerful forces in order to protect themselves, and all they ever cared about before it's too late.
Inspired by the works of:
Sodor Fallout Studios
Tines Sensathe
The Duffer Brothers
(And many more YouTube and Wattpad creators, this list is longer than I remember and I don't want to let it take up the description, please forgive me I ran out of allowed characters)
Warning: This story contains mature themes such as swearing, death, themes of war, gore depictions, highly racist actions and symbolism, and more. I recommend you be 13 years or older to read this story. ALSO, DO NOT STEAL ANY OF THE OC CHARACTERS (but I do confess that there are some characters that I don't own and I'd like to apologize to those owners that I didn't credit you all😬).
Enjoy the third part of the ROTPOTA series!