In the small town of Willow Creek, star soccer player Jake and talented art student Ryan form an unexpected bond during their last year of high school. As their friendship blossoms into something deeper, they face the challenges of coming out, the pressures of a long-distance relationship, and the uncertainty of their future.
"Last Year, First Love" is a heartwarming tale of young romance, filled with tender moments, heartfelt drama, and the enduring promise of a shared future. Will Jake and Ryan's love withstand the test of time and distance? Dive into their journey and discover the transformative power of first love.
Notes and confessions, Finn's life has been filled with them. The boy with the face of an Angel, since middle school Finn has never accepted a single confession. What happens the day a note comes from another boy? Faced with the question of whether or not he could be attracted to boys his already confusing day comes to a head when a new student arrives at the all boy school. A beautiful boy that seems to be captivated by Finn, his head is now reeling with questions and confusion adding to that, Alexander is his new desk mate and roommate. A sweet love story begins to unfold between Finn and Alexander filled with firsts and dreams of their future together. Surrounded by friends that struggle with their own sexuality and hate and prejudice from others, they all try to survive their senior year.
So many questions all beginning with a boy staring out his classroom window asking "What would it be like to fall in love? What would it be like if it were a boy?"