In a bustling city filled with the sounds of life, a street pianist plays enchanting melodies that resonate with the hearts of passersby. His music, rich and emotive, draws in a loyal following, but one fan stands out. Inspired by his talent, she begins leaving him notes in braille, hoping to connect with the man behind the music.
The notes bring him comfort, they become a source of warmth and encouragement, igniting a spark of curiosity about the person who understands him on a deeper level. As their exchanges grow, so does their desire to meet each other.
One fateful day, fueled by courage, they embark on a conversation that transcends the boundaries of sight. His world, once defined by sound alone, begins to expand with her vibrant spirit.
As their connection deepens, they learn to navigate their vulnerabilities, exploring the themes of trust, love, and the beauty of unseen connections. Through their blossoming relationship, their lives turn into a harmonious duet of passion and understanding.
Tobias and Talia are complete opposites, yet thrown together in an arranged marriage. Can they navigate married life in the wake of a terrible tragedy?
After being pressured into an arranged marriage to merge their families' companies, Talia and Tobias are stuck living together as husband and wife. Although they are both unhappy, neither tries to make the best of it. Tobias is too busy, and Talia is too distraught by the tragic death of her former fianceé, Jason. But as time goes by and they spend more time together, an undeniable attraction develops between the two. Despite this, Tobias can't seem to see past his jealousy of Jason and accept Talia - and Talia, plagued by guilt, is unwilling to let Jason go. Are the two heading for better - or are they headed for far worse?
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