This autobiography is an accumulation of over 15 years of writings.
I'm 71 and have experienced many wonderful, beautiful, educational, and enlightening moments. I've also endured the dark night of the soul where nothing means anything, all hope is gone; unrelenting loneliness and
extremely deep re-occurring depressions. Flip sides of the same coin,
we call life.
I've survived impossible accidents that should have killed me. I've filed bankruptcy twice, loosing half a million dollars of real estate. I haven't had a car in 10 years, rent a furnished apartment and all I own is a cellphone, television, and computer. I've had 20 different careers. Naming a few, I've been a foreman in a steel foundry, automobile salesman, district manager overseeing a 15 million dollar territory, owner of a television/appliance retail company, store manager responsible for 80 employees, retail manager in the cellular industry, and a dealer for one of the largest casinos in the nation. Some of the wise decisions I thought I was making turned out to be really ridiculous. When writing these down, I wondered how on earth could I have possibly been that stupid. You'll find many that are quite hilarious. I started jotting down thoughts on a cell phone memo pad over 15 years ago. These writings have turned into over a dozen manuscripts. An author has the natural talent to paint pictures with words, I do not possess that skill set. Quite by accident, I've developed into a writer.
We are entering into an era of magnificent beauty, perfect harmony, perpetual joy, growing wisdom, pure truth, unending peace and unconditional love. You'll read of miracles that I and others have personally witnessed. There are no other logical explanations for what occurred. I've documented everything as accurately as memory permits. Read with an open mind and develop your own conclusions. Our awakening transcendence is occurring now. -Bob
Abe-e-Hayat is a sequel of the timeless novel Peer-e-Kamil by Umera Ahmed. Abe-e-Hayat includes the same main character Salaar and Imama. The story starts from where it was left from Peer-e-Kamil.
This is the English translation of the book... to know further about what happened in Salar and Imama's life after marriage join me in this journey.