The Ping: Player Zero
In the year 2028, ping pong, or "Pongs," reigns supreme in Japan, with players wielding supernatural abilities called "Flow." Amidst this craze, Anji Chikayoshi, an orphan with dreams of becoming a teacher, stands apart for his indifference to the sport.
Anji's world is upended when his crush, Aiko Nakamura, the school's top Pongs player, is found comatose and later takes her own life.
Determined to uncover the truth, Anji joins the school's ping pong team and discovers that Kenji Sato, the enigmatic math teacher, harbors secrets about the powerful "High Level" Flow.
As Anji delves deeper into the mysteries of Flow and Kenji's past, he unearths shocking truths that challenge his beliefs and propel him on a quest for justice and self-discovery. Motivated by Aiko's final words, Anji must navigate fierce competitions, earn his teammates' trust, and confront the darker side of the sport.