In a sprawling city where dreams and nightmares exist, eight children-Eliott, Elijah, Gabrielle, Liam, Aidan, Diego, Mila, and Lilac-are scattered throughout Los Angeles. Unbeknownst to them, they were born on the same day in a dismal hospital nursery that has long been abandoned. Each of them possesses extraordinary powers waiting to be awakened: Eliott can talk to the dead Elijah has super strength Gabrielle can jump through time and teleport Liam controls minds Aidan walks through walls and doesn't get hurt Diego can mimic people Mila has telekinesis and Lilac has perfect aim. However, their lives take an ominous turn when an enigmatic energy void appears overnight-the harbinger of impending doom-and threatens their very existence. Reports flood the internet on August 3rd, 1988-a chilling reminder of their shared fate as victims of a nefarious kidnapping plot rarely spoken of until now. The world spins into chaos as people vanish without a trace along with everyday objects and beloved pets sucked into the swirling nothingness at the heart of this void. Fear coils through neighborhoods like smoke from distant flames as each child experiences strange phenomena: flickering lights for Elijah just before his birthday cake candles extinguish mysteriously or Eliott's shadow elongating strangely during night walks alone. Time is running out-14 days remain until oblivion engulfs everything familiar. With only fourteen days before cataclysm arrives-a countdown echoing louder against every frantic news report-they recognize their skills might be essential not solely for personal survival but also for confronting whatever darkness lies ahead. They realize that they will half to give their all to save the whole world before there isn't a world. The Eight Unveiled: A quest to save the world.All Rights Reserved