Skyler was an ordinary child leading a typical life at the Fort of Olysseus when tragedy struck, plunging them into unknown realms. With the support of those loyal to the Lighthouse Library, they now find themselves confronted with a war previously only heard of in their grandfather's fantastical tales. As they navigated through the uncharted territories, Skyler discovered hidden powers within themselves that they never knew existed. The ancient knowledge of the Lighthouse Library unravelling secrets of their lineage revealed that Skyler's ancestors are what is known as the Keepers who fight in the wars that threatened the realms' balance. Despite the overwhelming odds and the fear that gripped their heart, Skyler found courage in the stories of their grandfather, who spoke of bravery, sacrifice, and unity in the face of darkness. Drawn to the call of duty, Skyler vowed to protect their homeland and honor the legacy of their parents.
6 parts