The story revolves around the Ghostbusters from the 1986 animated series, who find themselves dealing with an unusual case that hits close to home. It begins when Ray is attacked by what they initially believe to be a ghost at a campsite. However, they soon discover that the attacker was a werewolf ghost, and Ray starts exhibiting strange behaviors and an insatiable appetite, raising concerns among his friends.
As Ray's condition worsens, he transforms into a werewolf during a full moon. Unlike typical werewolves, Ray retains control of his mind, although he is deeply troubled by his new form. His friends, Peter, Egon, Winston, and Janine, are determined to help him, despite not fully understanding the nature of his transformation. They face several challenges, including keeping Ray's condition a secret from the public and dealing with the emotional turmoil that Ray experiences.
in which the ghostbusters are back at it again. expect this time they have to save a baby..
[ takes places four years after ghostbusters in between. follows ghostbusters 2 ]
started january 21st - january 23rd.
3 out of the ghostbusters reborn series.
[ none of the ghostbuster characters belongs to me. only tara venkman does ™ ]