In the depths of dark Tokyo, Detective Izumi's fate intertwines with the life of Haruna, a girl who has slipped into an abyss of darkness. "Butterfly Shadow" is a tale of deep secrets and dark psychological experiences, where the quest for truth turns into a perilous and anxiety-filled journey. Amidst the city's shimmering lights and thick night shadows, terrifying details about Haruna's past unfold, while Izumi tries to unravel the mysteries surrounding her disappearance. With every step he takes, he inches closer to the brink of madness, where the lines between reality and nightmare blur. Can light penetrate the darkest nights? In this world filled with secrets and deceptions, hope struggles to survive. Prepare for a harrowing experience, where every shadow becomes a threat, and every heartbeat is a blow to inner peace. (Will the truth survive the shadow of the black butterfly?)
4 parts