In the heart of the enchanted woodland world of Greenhaven, where anthropomorphic animals thrive and magic-known as The Gift-flows through the land, a young mouse named Tull discovers his rare and powerful Gift during the sacred Blessing of the Gift ceremony. Tull's newfound ability, Fusion, allows him to combine the primal forces of fire and water into spectacular effects, a power not seen in over a thousand years.
However, Tull's celebration is cut short when a dark presence emerges from the depths of the forest. A malevolent force, known as Seraphis, a once-banished sorcerer who has harnessed corrupted magic, returns with a vengeance. His goal: to seize control of Greenhaven and plunge it into eternal darkness by corrupting The Gift and disrupting the delicate balance of nature.
As Seraphis's dark influence spreads, the harmony of Greenhaven begins to unravel. Rivers run dry, storms rage uncontrollably, and shadows creep into even the brightest corners of the forest. The once-peaceful denizens of Greenhaven find themselves facing a threat unlike any they have known.
Tull, guided by Elder Bramblepaw and joined by a diverse group of allies-including a brave badger warrior, a cunning squirrel rogue, and a wise owl sage-must embark on a perilous quest to stop Seraphis. Along the way, Tull will confront his own fears, unlock the true potential of his Gift, and uncover ancient secrets that could either save or doom Greenhaven.
In a world where magic and nature are intertwined, and where the fate of the forest hangs in the balance, Tull's journey will test his courage, forge new friendships, and reveal the strength within himself. Can he and his allies restore the harmony of Greenhaven and banish the darkness forever, or will Seraphis's sinister plans succeed, casting a shadow over their world for generations to come?
Red Panda Raising Cubs and Farming in the World of Beasts
84 parts Ongoing
84 parts
Content introduction:
Title: 小熊猫在兽世养崽种田
Author: 灰剑如羽
[Complete + Extras]
Introduction to the book:
Xiong Miao, a top student at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, traveled to the world of beasts and became separated from his parents. He was rescued by a big snow leopard. red panda. Holding his big furry reddish-brown tail, looking at the other party's big tail that was bigger and longer than him, Xiong Miao: I want to touch... Xueyuan looked at the sub-female he picked up with two cubs. The orc was carried back to his nest with a whimper.
Special topics: Cool articles, A match made in heaven, Farming articles, Sweet pet articles, Love has a soft spot, Gray sword is like a feather.
Tips: If you think 52 is good, remember to bookmark the unique website or recommend it to your friends ~ Please (>.<)
T/N: This is not mine. I just saw someone posted the title but I can't find any English translated version. I got curious and wanted to read the story. So I decided to post the translated version here so I can read it offline . 👀
But, I'm not a Chinese speaker and I use Google translate to help me with the translations. I edited some lines according to how I understood the sentence. English is not my first language either. So, I may overlook some grammatical errors.
I hope you can support the author if you like the story.🫶