Experience the enchanting beauty of Aina Mahal, one of Bhuj's most iconic landmarks, renowned for its spectacular mirror work and historical charm. Constructed by the Kutch ruler Rao Lakhpatji, the palace features an elaborate interior adorned with intricate glass mosaics and delicate carvings. Explore the palace's grand halls, where mirrored walls and ceilings create a mesmerizing effect, reflecting the opulence and elegance of the era. Learn about the palace's historical significance, its role in the cultural heritage of Kutch, and the artistry involved in its creation. This guide provides essential details for visitors, ensuring you fully appreciate the splendor and historical depth of Aina Mahal.
In the thrilling third installment of 'Agents of Time', the time travel team is on the hunt for Jack the Ripper - the unidentified serial killer notorious for his murders in Whitechapel in 1888.
Season 3 of Agents of Time
As secrets and suspicions rise in the academy, the agents aren't too keen on obeying the director's orders this time...and June's feelings for the charming Theo are causing a distraction. With the help of Ryan and former time travel agent Landon, the team must figure out what the directors are up to and stop them before it's too late. In the process, they will be faced with their most dangerous mission yet: And as always, nothing is as it seems.