In a shallow world, on the brink of collapse, a series of consecutive events brought civilization to its knees. No one knows how the world ended, but it all happened in a single day-the fateful day when the stars fell from the sky. Empires crumbled, and a once-advanced world was erased. Clouds hovered in the air, the stars devoured the moon, and the world grew restless. Isolation gripped the vast land, and the earth refused to bear fruit. Death claimed many, families were torn apart, bloodlines ended, and the extensive history of the world was destroyed.
In the year of the Great Reset, a bloody year of dwindling populations, the once safe world became menacing. The fall of the human empires marked the end of an era of intelligence and power.
What occurred during that period remains largely unknown, but after the Great Reset, the weather changed, the world grew colder, the moon returned, and animals once harmless rose to power. Heavy snow covered the earth, concealing the remnants of a bygone reality. For thousands of years, the world went to a deep sleep.
This is the story set after the Great Reset, an event that nearly eradicated the human race. Shrouded in mystery, our MC embarks on a journey, seeking to uncover the secrets of the advanced old world and use them as a foundation to build a new one.
Note: This will be my first book/novel. I've read many books, but I'm not sure if I can reflect the same quality. I'm a university student about to enter medical school, so updates might be slow. I would greatly appreciate any feedback, as I'm hoping this will be a good story.
After chaos destroyed, America fell into pandemonium and there was no communication with the U.S. After a pandemic crisis on the East coast, most civilization was abandoned near the Atlantic Ocean. After that, the world slowly began to fall to pieces and almost every country made a scramble to figure a way to make space travel easier so they could colonize a planet. But a new leader came out of the ashes and proclaimed they would consider the apocalypse a "rebirth" and proceeded (with his advanced engineering) to clear radioactivity from America and make it livable again.
With the help of his crew, he builds a high security city and begins to build out past the east coast. Shortly after he rebuilds NY, he disappears and his advisor rises to power. He is a fair but cruel master (calling himself a Lord) and some people refuse to work for him. These people manage to escape the oppression of the Lord and live out on the wasteland that was once a great country. Some band together to make right communities and others rough it out by themselves, scavenging for a living.