In the climactic battle against Ōtsutsuki Isshiki, Naruto Uzumaki and Kurama, the Nine-Tails Fox, make the ultimate sacrifice. Unleashing the powerful yet deadly Baryon Mode, they manage to defeat Isshiki but at a great cost: Kurama's life force is consumed entirely. As his essence begins to fade, Kurama finds himself transported to a serene, ethereal plane where he meets Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, the Sage of Six Paths, and his father.
Hagoromo, witnessing Kurama's loyalty and courage, decides to bestow upon him a second chance. He grants Kurama the combined powers of his Yin and Yang chakra, along with the Rinnegan-an extraordinary power capable of transcending dimensions. With these gifts, Kurama is sent to a new world, unfamiliar yet fraught with conflict: the universe of High School DxD during the Great War.
In this world, where angels, demons, and fallen angels are locked in a brutal struggle, Kurama aligns himself with the yokai, mystical creatures often caught between the factions. Recognizing the potential for peace and balance, Kurama uses his newfound abilities to unite the scattered Yokai tribes, offering them protection and guidance.