These random stories centers around Iris, a kind-hearted girl with striking black hair that gleams under the sunlight. She's not just pretty; she's the type of girl who always has a smile ready for everyone, and her gentle spirit seems to uplift those around her.
Then there's Toshi. a brooding indie artist with shaggy black hair that obscures part of his face as he scribbles away in his worn-out sketchbook. His music reflects his inner struggles, and while he often gives off an air of detachment, there's a vulnerability that draws people in. He's the quintessential "emo boy," though there's far more to him than the dark clothes and intense lyrics suggest.
As their connection deepens, they face challenges, especially from classmates and societal expectations. Some disapprove of their bond - after all, Iris is seen as a "nice girl" and Toshi as the resident "emo boy." Despite the odds, they learn to embrace each other's differences, and together, they carve out a space where vulnerability is strength, and music becomes the soundtrack to their lives.
(I just love the idea of showcasing a journey that celebrates individuality and the delicate interplay of friendship and romance. I can't wait to hear what you think!)