Larry is on a secret mission, with Silver and Shard of course, to go around Eggmans base to get some information on his newest creation, while Shard and Silver distract the doctor and a bunch of badniks, though they're unaware this excludes Metal, who finds Larry and attacks him, overpowering the young lynx, Metal grabbed him by the neck and pinned him against the wall with his left hand while his right raises to lay the finishing blow, but something stops Metal, he glitches for a sec and then drops Larry and backs up, and looked down at the ground, almost ashamed, confusing the former, then says in a low but sincere voice "I apologize for my actions" seemingly with a changed heart, even if it was a metal one
(This was the idea of my sister Aubrey, her account is Aubreyana407. She had the idea of "What if Larry's jinx caused Metal Sonic's soft defiance kill switch to malfunction and cause Metal to be good?")