In "Soundscape: The Journey of a Rising Idol," follow the story of J.S., a newly debuted idol who embarks on a transformative journey into the world of music production. From the first time he steps into a recording studio, J.S. faces the daunting task of learning the intricate craft of producing his own music. Guided by his experienced mentor, Seung-ho, J.S. navigates the complex landscape of sound engineering, from understanding the nuances of mixing consoles to mastering digital audio workstations. As J.S. learns the ropes, he discovers that producing music is more than just a technical skill-it's an art form. With each challenge, from the frustrations of perfecting a mix to the joy of creating his unique sound, J.S. grows not only as an artist but as an individual. This inspiring story captures the highs and lows of J.S.'s journey, revealing the dedication and passion required to turn raw talent into polished artistry. "Soundscape" is a compelling exploration of creativity, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of one's dreams. It's not just a tale about making music-it's about finding your voice and sharing it with the world. Whether you're a fan of the K-pop scene or someone who appreciates the behind-the-scenes process of music production, this book offers an intimate look at the making of an idol and the transformative power of music.