The story revolves around an old, beautiful mansion in a remote part of Chennai, which holds a dark and mysterious past. Many years ago, this mansion had absorbed the emotions of a child deity named Surya. The tale takes a dramatic turn when a psychologist named Madan, his wife Revathi, and their child Aarav move into the mansion, unaware of its eerie history. From the first day, the family senses an unsettling presence but chooses to ignore it, setting the stage for the unfolding supernatural events.
-Warning mentions of gore, s*icide, Jimmy, and some spoilers to the game if u haven't played or watch videos about the game and if you don't want any spoilers I suggest to play the game first before reading
these oneshots are not canon to the game just fanfiction 👁
image belongs to the title of the game and owner of the game💊