The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic futuristic metropolis known as New Eridu. Most of humanity has been wiped out by supernatural disasters called Hollows, which appear out of thin air creating disordered dimensions where monsters known as the Ethereal roam. New Eridu, the last surviving city, managed to survive the apocalypse by acquiring the technology to extract resources from the Hollows. Hollows then became industrialized and monetized under the city's administration, which gradually led to the increasing tension between monopolistic enterprises, gangs, conspirators, and fanatics. The two siblings take on the role of a "Proxy" - a special professional who guides people in their exploration of Hollows. As they advance, the Proxy will recruit new members to their part as they continue to fight the Ethereal. By combining the abilities of different members, players can deploy greater damage and combos onto enemies.