In the far future of the new generation, a young man, Terry Mcginnis, is enjoying an ordinary life, without a care in the world, before a unfortunate accident meets his fate. Later on, on a supposed path of vengeance, he meets an old and hardened Bruce Wayne, A.K.A., the owner and (sort of) CEO of Wayne Enterprises, and the Legendary Vigilante, The Batman. But when a new threat arises, and All for One making a comeback, Terry must be the one to dawn the cowl and become the new Batman, and go even further beyond than the Batman has ever gone, in order to protect those closet to him.
This story takes place after the Sports Festival occurs. This is a fanmade story, the following rights of Batman and My Hero Academia go to DC and Warner Brothers and Crunchyroll and Kohei Horikoshi
This series is rated PG-13, might include gore and some graphic content and language