Not in the System is a dark, paranormal mystery set in Jingle's Circus Emporium, a once-beloved indoor amusement park now haunted by secrets. The story follows Levi, a 17 year old mechanic, and his journey at JCE dealing with the animatronics and the things that lie deep within the emporium.
What starts as a routine job quickly spirals into chaos as Levi discovers that the animatronics are acting strangely, behaving almost human and exhibiting emotions they shouldn't possess. With the help of Astro, a shooting star themed animatronic who's also a long-time friend, Levi uncovers the sinister truth behind the Emporium. These issues with the animatronics are a result of the founder Ezra Whitlock's tragic attempts to bring back his late wife.
As Levi navigates through unsettling encounters with the animatronics, mysterious sabotage, and the growing tension with the police force. He must confront not only the dark secrets of the Emporium but also his own fears and guilt from the past. With each discovery, Levi realizes that the line between man and machine, and friend and foe, is far more blurred than he ever imagined.
An eleven year old girl, named Chelsea and her family move into an old Victorian home. Soon after she moves in she realizes that there's something off about the house. She goes to the library to do some research on the house and finds out the house has a dark secret.