In a world full of mysteries and supernatural creatures, Mitsuru Aki, once a low profile and an average boy will find out his purpose of saving spirits. But this change of his life will have him loose not only his wealth but also his whole identity. He will met a moon-spirit, Luna, and was engaged in a promise. In this promise of being one as an avatar, they will have to fight for the sake of humanity, for saving other spirits as well as souls. He will soon find out that he was the reincarnation of Luna, often so called the Silver Butterfly.
What will happen if you fall in love with your reincarnation?
Mitsuru will surely be totally ridiculous about his feelings.
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.