In the bustling halls of Shelfield Academy, two contrasting figures roamed the corridors - Ashton, the affluent heartthrob, and Joe, the introverted student deeply devoted to his faith. Their worlds collided in the most unexpected of ways, sparking a peculiar dynamic filled with unspoken tension and hidden desires. As the school year unfolded, their lives intertwined in ways that neither could have foreseen.
Ashton, with his effortless popularity and magnetic presence, found himself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic Joe. Despite Joe's reserved demeanour and unwavering commitment to his beliefs, there was an undeniable pull between them. Slowly but steadily, Ashton's feelings for Joe grew, igniting a flame that burned brighter with each passing day. However, just as Ashton began to unravel his emotions, Joe was faced with a profound crisis of self-identity that sent shockwaves through his world.
Amidst the chaos of teenage emotions and self-discovery, two unexpected allies emerged - Manha and Tiff. While not initially close to Ashton and Joe, their paths crossed in pivotal moments, shaping the course of their intertwined destinies. Manha and Tiff, the inseparable platonic girlfriends, served as beacons of support and wisdom as Joe navigated the complexities of his inner turmoil. Through their guidance and unwavering friendship, Joe found solace and strength to confront his deepest fears and uncertainties.
As Ashton's affection for Joe blossomed, he stood steadfast by Joe's side, offering a beacon of light in the midst of Joe's darkest moments.
"Joe...?" *Ashton calls his name in a yearning demeanour*
"Yes, Ashton?" *Joe replies, looking into Ashtons piercing blue eyes*
"Can we be each other's company?" *Ashton softly says to Joe as he sits closer, subtly touching his arm with his, feeling surges of electricity possess his body*
"Curiosity killed the kitty Miss Adams."
My body stiffened. Slowly I turned around just to see Mr. Parker standing in front of me with hands in his trouser pockets. I bit my lip. I thought he would be angry but when I looked at him. His face showed no emotion. He then started walking towards me I moved back. This continued until my back hit the door. Then he placed his one hand on my side, leaning forward, close to me.
"What was rule number three Miss Adams." His face was extremely close to mine my breath got hitched. I couldn't answer his question why? Because I was more focused in the distance between us.
"I asked you something Miss Adams." He said again.
"T-That t-there a-are prohibited areas i-in the house where I shouldn't g-go."
"It seems like you remember the rules. This room is one of those prohibited areas. So, from next time think before you put yourself into trouble."
I just stared at his eyes. I was lost in those pair of sea-coloured eyes. No other guy has ever affected me this much as Mr. Parker. I get nervous around him. I don't know what this feeling is but this feeling is different. A feeling that I have never felt for anyone.
"Understood?" he said again.
I nodded. "Yes Mr. Parker."
Liam Parker, 25 year old billionaire. Arrogant, handsome, ruthless, the only thing matters to him is his son and his work.
Bella Adams, 24 year old simple and bubbly girl, who lives with her Nanny in an orphanage.
What will happen when Bella comes as a babysitter of Liam's son? Let's find out in the story.....