"Twin Flames" is a story that falls in contemporary romance genre. It tells a story about the unexpected friendship that blossoms on social media platform at an unforeseen time. It explores how the characters support each other through their lowest points and celebrate their achievements together. Their strong connection faces many challenges, including insecurities, traumas and fears caused by past memories and the exhaustion and pressures brought by their college journey. Despite these obstacles, one of them continues to hold on even when everything seems unbearable, carrying out the hope and fate that someday, they would finally meet.
The story also delves into the turmoil of their bond, highlighting their shared moments of joy and sorrow. It portrays their late-night conversations, laughter, and the comfort that they find in each other's presence. As their relationship deepens, they face the strain of balancing personal struggles with their desire to be there for one another.
The story also depicts how they attempt to distance themselves from each other, only to find themselves drawn back into each other's lives. Ultimately, despite their efforts to fight for their friendship, fate intervenes, until both of them decides to go separately, choosing to pursue their dreams and goals independently. They navigate the ups and downs of their journey, learning valuable lessons about love, resilience, and the importance of self-discovery.
(Note:-This story is purely my imagination. Please don't copy or report my work)
Aarav Yaduvanshi is the eldest son of one of Asia's most powerful business families. Feared and respected, he's calm on the surface but holds immense power within. Known for his sharp focus and hard work, he's unstoppable.
Aradhya Bansal, a shy and innocent girl from a wealthy but traditional family, has lived a sheltered life. She always obeys her parents and knows little about the world outside her home.
What happens when Aarav, a man who never cared for love, becomes obsessed with Aradhya? When her innocence turns into his deepest craving? And when their worlds collide in a way neither of them could have imagined?