In the year 2087, Japan is a landscape of advanced technology and societal transformation, where the boundary between the real and virtual worlds has blurred. "World One" plunges into this futuristic realm, primarily set within the INTERWORLD NET-a global virtual WORLD that was sealed off for three years following a catastrophic AI virus outbreak. This virus, known as the I. N virus , took control of over 5.5 billion users' consciousness, creating a perilous digital landscape teeming with paradigital creatures called Netters.
The story unfolds amidst the chaotic aftermath of this virtual apocalypse.
Hyung Himawari, a young protagonist haunted by the loss of his mother and sister during the initial outbreak, now navigates a world fraught with political intrigue, survival challenges, and looming threats of military conscription. As Himawari and his friends attempt to evade the encroaching grip of conscription, they face the dual pressures of the shifting, perilous virtual realms and the harsh realities of their dystopian world and life behind the safe zones.
The novel offers a deep dive into the consequences of the I. N virus , explored through the personal accounts of various characters and their lingering trauma. The narrative provides a detailed look at the INTERWORLD NET's districts and the complex dynamics between different factions, including the NE.XT STATE FIGHTERS and The STATE Gypsies, who struggle to retrieve critical data relics and combat the ever-present Netters.
As Himawari and his allies confront the treacherous virtual landscapes and their own internal conflicts, they are thrust into a world where ethical dilemmas and survival are intertwined.