In the quaint town of Heien, Japan, in the year 1845, a peculiar era where penguins and crows deliver letters, an unlikely trio embarks on a journey. Noah Zygard, a former samurai banished seven years ago, lives a carefree life, never serious, but with a hidden depth. Himiko Tagashi, a skilled kunoichi, has abandoned the Shinobi Society, sensitive and short-tempered, with a disdain for bad comedy. Kamura Kin, a 19-year-old orphan, worries excessively, but his loyalty and responsibility make him a cornerstone of the group.
Their lives intersect when Takemichi Hayato, a formidable samurai, appears, seeking to abduct Himiko. Banished for his overwhelming strength, Takemichi's past is marred by a failed attempt to kill Master Yajino Hitachi. As the trio faces this new threat, Noah's rusty swordsmanship and unresolved past are put to the test.
With their unique personalities and skills, the trio navigates this treacherous landscape, confronting their demons, and discovering unexpected strengths. Will they find a way to overcome Takemichi's formidable power and uncover the secrets of their pasts? In this tale of friendship and growth, the journey of Noah, Himiko, and Kamura has just begun.
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If money and success were a test, Y/N had failed-at least by the world's unforgiving standards. In a harsh, cutthroat reality where wealth and power defined worth, she had always been on the losing side, scraping by in the shadows of society.
Yet here she was, thrown into a twisted arena where survival hinged not on financial prowess, but on wit, grit, and sheer willpower.