In the heart of India, Saki Anakin Singhania lives a life bound by tradition and expectation. Born into a conservative family, her destiny seemed predetermined: a quiet life as a housewife. Yet, within her lies a burning passion for jewelry, a dream of creating her own line that her strict parents have stifled for years.
As the Singhania family prepares for a grand "Maharthi," a traditional pooja set on an auspicious day chosen by their pandit, an unexpected twist of fate brings new excitement and danger. The event's lavish funding comes from an unusual source: a group of Russian mafias, with only one condition-they must be allowed to participate in the Maharthi.
Three months before the pooja, the Russians arrive, and with them comes their enigmatic and commanding leader, Asrar Moretti. Saki finds herself irresistibly drawn to him, intrigued by his power and the aura of danger that surrounds him. As she navigates the clash between her sheltered upbringing and the allure of Asrar's world, Saki's life takes an unexpected turn, forcing her to confront her desires, her family's expectations, and the shadows lurking behind the glittering facade of the Russian mafia.
Will Saki break free from the confines of her traditional life and embrace the adventure that Asrar offers? Or will the dangers of his world threaten to consume everything she holds dear?