(Book 1) In the enchanting world of Pax Carta, three factions-Red, Black, and White/Multicolored-coexist in a delicate balance, each contributing their unique strengths and cultures. The annual Card Battle tournament, a celebration of unity and diversity, is set to bring together the best and brightest from each faction. Hosted by the Red Hearts Kingdom, the event promises a dazzling display of skill, strategy, and camaraderie.
As Queen Ginger of the Red Hearts, Queen Onyx of the Red Diamonds, Queen Lilac of the Black Clovers, and Queen Katana of the Black Spades prepare for the tournament, an unknown foe casts a powerful spell, opening four mysterious portals. Each queen is transported to a different storybook realm, where they must navigate new challenges and adventures.
Back in Pax Carta, the kings and their loyal allies embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind the spell and bring their queens back. Along the way, they face treacherous landscapes, magical traps, and fierce creatures, all while forging stronger bonds and demonstrating the power of unity.
Will the kings and their followers succeed in their mission and restore peace to Pax Carta? Or will the dark forces that seek to divide them prevail? "Pax Carta: The Tournament of Unity" is a tale of friendship, courage, and the enduring power of unity in the face of adversity.
[Completed - Book 1 of the Blood Court Series]
❝ I thought I lost you Kaida...
I swear I would have burnt the Palace to the ground. And I never would have stopped burning, until all the Kingdom is scorched.
I would be a Prince of Ashes. ❞
In a world where Silver blooded elites, blessed with extraordinary abilities, reign supreme over the ordinary Red blooded lower class, follow the story of Kaida LeRoux - her very existence being a juxtaposition.
She is a Red blooded girl who becomes entangled with with the Silver Prince, Maven Calore - a dangerous, fire-bending, aristocrat.
This is a tale of Blurred lines and Blood lines.
Anyone can betray anyone.
(Inspired by the Red Queen novels by Victoria Aveyard - a mix between Game of Thrones and X-men)