Following the conflict on Seatos, Ahsoka Tano, and Sabine Wren fought against Baylan Skoll, and his apprentice, Shin Hati. While Sabine faced Shin in the forest, Ahsoka confronted Baylan at the reflex point, where the map was. After her duel with Shin, Sabine came and swiped the map up, pointing her pistol at the orb.
After the apparent demise of her master, Baylan offed Sabine a chance to see her long lost friend, and love interest, Ezra Bridger, again. Sabine hesitated, if she gave him the map, Thrawn will return and start another war. But knew she couldn't live without Ezra, so she gave him the map, and she, Baylan, Shin, and Morgan Elsbeth went to Peridea.
Sabine met again with Grand Admiral Thrawn. After asking where Ezra was, Thrawn told her that he was on his ship. When she saw him again, he had changed... Changed into the very thing he sought to destroy... Her worst nightmare, and is now on a mission to save him...
Ezra Bridger. Son of Mira and Ephraim Bridger. Born 15 years ago today.
But once a Sith, always A Sith.
(Original title: A Jedi in Hiding/Finding Home)
Struggling to stay alive, Ezra had had to join the Empire. Being taken from Lothal by the Inquisitor and trained as a Sith, Ezra has known nothing else. But after Ezra saw what he had been doing, he planned an escape and succeeded. But now, back home on Lothal, Ezra has to find out how to survive. Meeting the Ghost Crew is not something he planned to do, but he does and when asked to join, he cannot. He doesn't want to end up hurting them because of the bounty on his head. But, realizing that being alone doesn't always mean surviving. Ezra must figure out if he needs to be with the Ghost Crew or alone to survive and whether or not he can finally find a new home and family after losing his and his family so long ago.