Avonlea, nestled on the picturesque shores of Prince Edward Island, was a place where time seemed to dance gently with the rhythm of the seasons. The rolling fields, speckled with wildflowers and bordered by whispering woods, held stories as old as the island itself. In this tranquil setting, amidst the familiar hum of village life, hearts were quietly unraveling and new tales were waiting to be told.
In the small town of Avonlea, nestled beneath the graceful shade of towering maple trees and under the watchful gaze of the starlit skies, there is an enchanting story of two souls navigating their way through a world where love serves as both a sanctuary and a profound awakening. This tale encapsulates the quiet strength and unwavering optimism of its characters, unfolding against the backdrop of a timeless landscape where the whispers of bygone eras reverberate through the fabric of the present.
Awae work in progress
Hey everyone, this is an Anne with an E fanfiction, added an Original Character and the main change is she is gonna be Gilbert's love Interest, English is not my first language but bear with me I'm gonna be doing my best!
(you don't have no know anything about Anne with an E to read this and understand!)
I'll be posting it on tumblr, wattpad and ao3 and I hope to have your support!
You have lived in Avonlea your whole life. Your best friend is Gilbert Blythe and a girl named Anne comes to Avonlea and your relationship with Gilbert turns into a mess