Enter a novel-style series detailing the onset and survival struggles of a zombie apocalypse. Eighteen-year-old Andrew finds himself among his closest of friends as the world around them begins to fall victim to a vicious and unknown outbreak of some sort. With clashing personalities but similar goals, the group faces difficulties in the changed world outside, (between the lack of necessities and other groups of survivors), and within themselves as they struggle to survive in their new world. Helping them reach initial safety, Andrew's friends elect him as the leader to help them get by for now- without honestly knowing how long it may be. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set in the same universe as AMC's and Robert Kirkman's "The Walking Dead" and "Fear the Walking Dead." However, it takes place in Northeastern Ohio with myself, my friends, and family as characters. Written and hoped to be read in the format of a TV show: each chapter is an episode & each "part" is a season. Therefore each part's "chaptersodes" will be written and uploaded with minimal time gaps, having longer breaks between "parts." No ties to The Walking Dead or Fear the Walking Dead as far as location or characters go. If something seems repetitive, please note that I've had many of these ideas for a long time, even before I began watching the show. Also realize that zombie stories, movies, and shows all draw parallels in some way. This was originally planned to be a Red Dawn-related story, but I quickly realized surviving against zombies is much more practical than a foreign nation's army. Really hoping for this to stand out apart from common fan fiction. Open to and appreciating feedback and suggestions. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!
9 parts