In Ben 10: Rise of the Anomalies, the universe faces a new and mysterious threat. Strange anomalies are appearing across the galaxy, distorting reality and endangering the balance of power. At the heart of this cosmic upheaval is Shisui Tennyson, a hero with a unique mix of Kryptonian and Anodite heritage. Alongside him are his brother Senju, a symbiote with extraordinary powers, and Maria Lorian, a girl discovering her latent mystical abilities. As these anomalies grow in strength, they draw the attention of dangerous entities from across the cosmos, each seeking to exploit the situation for their own gain. The Tennyson family, including the legendary hero Ben, his cousin Gwen, and their mentor Max, must rally together to face this new crisis. They soon discover that the anomalies are somehow connected to Shisui's unique abilities, making him central to the mystery. Shisui must learn to harness his dual heritage while Senju grapples with his symbiotic nature and the challenges of being different. Meanwhile, Maria struggles with the newfound burden of her emerging powers. Together, this diverse team of heroes must confront a powerful force intent on controlling the anomalies and, by extension, the entire universe. As they journey through unknown realms, face formidable adversaries, and uncover hidden truths, the team will be tested like never before. Their unity and strength will be crucial in overcoming the challenges ahead. In this epic adventure, the fate of countless worlds hangs in the balance, and only by embracing their unique strengths and working together can they hope to prevent the rise of the anomalies.