A story about the Tenth Doctor and Rose as they travel through the universe, secretly loving each other but too timid to say so. They visit other planets, galaxies, universes. They go back in time, save the world from Dalek invasions.
The Doctor's not scared. He's not scared of anything.
Except one thing.
Telling Rose he loves her.
A Tenrose fanfiction written by a huge fan of Doctor Who, featuring AUs, fluff and mild feels*. Opinions on this story would be much appreciated :) Enjoy!
* For more feels, read my other Tenrose fanfiction, Another Dimension #spon
The Doctor and Rose Tyler have been undercover plenty of times. What they haven't been is shipwrecked on an island by a storm-that's-really-not-a-storm with very sinister messages left for them and the survivors. And whoever they are, the sinister beings have made it very clear that they know Rose and the Doctor.
Can Rose and the Doctor save the survivors from the shipwreck while also keeping themselves safe?
*Also TenxRose pairing*