In the quiet, mysterious town of Caveroop, Terra Tunes, a high school student battling a tumultuous life, is forced to start over at the only school that would accept her: Caveroop High. Reluctantly, she tries to keep a low profile, but that becomes impossible the moment she's assigned a room with Pink Spencer, the most popular girl on campus.
Everything changes when Terra is swept into a world of dark secrets, supernatural beings, and ancient rivalries. After attending a party, she discovers that Jesse, the irresistible basketball star, is a vampire. What's worse, The return of the school's old nemesis, Nemus, signals a new threat to Caveroop High, while Jennifer Brown, a vicious werewolf with a relentless ambition to become the alpha, has returned to make everyone pay for past wrongs.
As Terra grapples with these escalating dangers, she learns an earth-shattering truth: she is the last dark witch, a powerful being destined to end Nemus' reign of terror. But with this revelation comes even more chaos, her newfound powers only complicate matters. Jesse, who was once cold and dismissive toward her, now reveals he has feelings for her, creating a storm of jealousy and rivalry with Pink, who will stop at nothing to tear them apart and reclaim Jesse's affection.
With a powerful bond forming between enemies and allies alike, Terra must navigate a treacherous path of love, betrayal, and revenge. As secrets unfold, alliances are tested, and the lines between friend and foe blur, Terra must confront her destiny and face the darkest forces of the supernatural before Nemus and the deadly forces at his side can destroy everything she's come to love.
In a world where power, magic, and supernatural creatures rule, can Terra bring peace to Caveroop, or will the darkness consume her first? The fate of the entire school and perhaps the world rests on her shoulders.
"Unless you have your candy to offer there is nothing you can say or do that will allow you to stay here."
MFM (A lot of smut)
It was the beginning of a new era.
But the end of time.
Vampires were dying and werewolves were getting slaughtered. Packs were disappearing and clans were destroyed. The once immortal beings were running for their lives, protecting themselves and saving what was left of them. A curse was placed upon all of us. We were marked, by the dark creature that was soon coming to wipe us all away, one by one.
The only shelter I could find after running for months was in a small town in the north where the dark creature never intended on coming as the sun never left.
But to my bad luck, the town was ruled by two merciless and heartless brothers who called repeatedly claimed themselves as Alphas.
18+ only. Explicit scenes included.