23 Части Завершенная история Для взрослыхI finally escaped the factory, they kidnapped me from my college. Today is my birthday, and I had planned for it but nothing helped, only calming me down for the moment.
A scream echoed out in the silent starry sky, my body freezing...
They were looking for me, I just knew it. Again, I ran and jumping over the fence to the property, muscles burning, my breathing short. I look behind me, not seeing the light of the school anymore. I slow down, holding my breath again.
Looking around, only trees and bugs surround me. I slowly sank to my knees, gripping the grass in between my fingers, to keep my breathing calm. Tears springing to my eyes and brushing the tears away, slowly getting back to normal. Suddenly, I felt someone behind me.
I could feel its strength and power surround me, turning around to see a dark figure behind me. Glowing blue eyes stared at me, seeing it slowly walk toward me. My breathing becoming short again, a panic attack was on the verge.
A hand was now on my shoulder and another on my cold cheek, making me look into his eyes, "Let me help you..." He whispered. Rubbing his thumb against my cheek, I slowly nod my head, when a pain began to form in my chest. I knew it was coming. I quickly get away, crawling a couple feet away.
"Get away!" I yelled. My skin turning white and the pain erupting inside of me, feeling it try to escape, and I know if I let it. It will hurt this man. Suddenly, he was there in my view. Blue eyes staring at me, and then his lips were on my own.
Gasping as I felt the pain beginning to disappear from inside me. Eyes drooping and my body relaxing against his. Soon, the kiss ended and I was empty. My eyes closing.
"Don't worry, I will keep you safe..."