In a world where dragons once ruled the skies and human kingdoms waged endless wars, a legendary alliance brought peace and prosperity under the banner of the Flameborn Empire. For a thousand years, the bond between the Flameborn rulers and the ancient dragon Draconis the Eternal Flame has protected the realm from chaos and destruction.
But now, a sinister force threatens to unravel this fragile harmony. Draconis, the mighty guardian of the Empire, has been poisoned, and his weakening state mirrors the faltering strength of the once-thriving kingdom. As darkness looms on the horizon, The Zodiacs must embark on a perilous quest to uncover the source of the poison and save their world.
From the fiery landscapes of Pyronia to the shadowed realms of Noctara, the lush forests of Verdantia, and the mysterious depths of Aqualis, these heroes will face formidable enemies and uncover ancient secrets. The fate of the Empire rests in their hands, and their journey will test their courage, loyalty, and the bonds that hold them together.
Dive into a world where the destiny of an empire hangs in the balance, and only the bravest can rise to save it.
Have you ever seen a star during the day? No? Well, stars only come out at night
12 teenagers experience the "joys" of highschool. While every knows that they are not normal they didn't expect it to be this weird. With drama, sass, and humour mixed in this highschool adventure is like no other. Secrets will be revealed and heartache is bound to happen.
***IMPORTANT NOTE- I do not own any of this pictures all credit goes to their respected artist
Started- 8/04/20
finished- 11/20/20