Olivia, Zoe, and Miles are three normal siblings living in a normal house, in a normal town. But their lives are changed forever when a mysterious portal shows up in their yard, unleashing fictional characters from various media into the Real World. These characters turn the siblings' lives upside down - some for the better, some for the worse. The siblings will have to deal with many crazy scenarios and characters - from destructive half-beasts to vengeful robots, but no matter what, as long as they stick together, they know everything will be just fine.
The Portal Game is a cartoon-like series written in a script format. It follows the lives of three siblings - Olivia, Zoe, and Miles - along with many other unique and fun characters of all different shapes and sizes. The series is family-friendly, though there will be themes of: non-graphic violence, mild insulting language (jerk, idiot, etc.), some intense scenes, sexism (this is shown as a very wrong thing, of course), and abuse. But for the most part, the series is mostly comedy, with fun and entertaining scenes that can be enjoyed by everyone! Join Olivia, Zoe, and Miles and their strange friends (and enemies) on their wacky, chaotic adventures, and enjoy the show!