In the ancient world of Eldoria, the night sky held the secrets of immense power, mapped out in the form of four mighty constellations: the Black Dragon, Blue Eagle, Red Phoenix, and the White Tiger. Each constellation represented one of the elemental gaurdians, deites who watched over the land and kept the balance of nature and magic.
Once every millennium, the celestial alignment triggered the awakening of these gaurdians. The stars shone brighter, and the constellation, descended from the heavens, taking form to walk among mortals.
But everything changed when one of the constellation was killed by mortals they once protected, the other constellation was eaten by anger and grief that resulted death among mortals.
They vowed to protect each other among mortals as they waited 500 years for the other constellation's resurrection. But, what if they were too scared to loose to other constellation that they imprisoned her, he imprisoned her.
What will happen if she run away from them? Will she ever forgive them or will she built hatred towards the other constellation who treasured her the most.
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