Hanagaki Takemichi, a young 14 year old girl, has been in a secret relationship with the notorious Tokyo Manji Gang leader. No one knows of their relationship, with the exception of Hanagaki's best friend, Tachibana Hinata. Through the year they had been dating, they made sure to use protection each time they made love. Hanagaki, who had been on birth control, and trusted in her boyfriend, decided she wanted to go without one, the next time they did it. As a result? She had become pregnant. Now she has to figure out a way to tell her loving boyfriend about their conception and is now worrying on what will happen in the future.
Hi! This is my first story, so please be nice! I'm not very good at writing, nor spelling, so no hate as well please! I don't have a schedule for posting and will just post randomly, or whenever I feel like it. I'll do my best to finish and write well, but no promises. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story.