Lionkit, Hollykit, and Jaykit are born to Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw in ThunderClan. Despite getting into trouble as kits, they all become apprentices. Graystripe returns home, though Brambleclaw retains his deputyship. Hollypaw becomes a warrior apprentice, and Jaypaw then takes her spot as medicine cat apprentice to Leafpool. The Three have faith in the prophecy, and are led by what they believe they are meant to do. Lionpaw becomes romantically attached to Heatherpaw, and also trains in the Dark Forest with Tigerstar and Hawkfrost. While Jaypaw continues his medicine cat training, Hollypaw attempts to assist her RiverClan friends with a camp issue, but fails. The Three help WindClan kits escape from the tunnels, along with Heatherpaw and Breezepaw. A journey to the Tribe of Rushing Water is taken, and the Clan cats help deal with the intruders. They go home as tensions rise between the Clans, and Lionpaw continues to train in the Dark Forest. WindClan and RiverClan attack ThunderClan, who fends them off with ShadowClan's reluctant help. Lionblaze and Hollyleaf earn their warrior names, along with Cinderheart. Greencough strikes the Clans, ThunderClan especially. While cured eventually, Firestar loses a life. A fire rages through their territory, and in the chaos, the Three's true parentage of Leafpool and Crowfeather is revealed. They vow to keep it secret, but Ashfur does not, so Hollyleaf kills him. A quest is undertaken to find Sol to accuse him of the murder, but at a Gathering after their return from it, Hollyleaf reveals she is responsible for the killing. She also reveals her and her brothers' heritage, and then runs into the tunnels, unable to cope with the truth, then where it is presumed she dies in a rock collapse.
Liz is an unclaimed kid with no family and no idea of who she is.
Her only home is Camp Half-Blood
When Camp is at risk of being in the middle of a war because of the Gods that don't care about her, she will not sit back and watch as it happens.
Violence-Curses-Deaths-mentions of suic!des-suic!des attempts