In a bustling city, Asteria sought a second chance at life, yearning to leave behind a past shrouded in sorrow. One day, as the city's neon lights flickered to life, an otherworldly glow descended upon the streets. The gods, who had watched Asteria's journey with fascination, chose this moment to reveal themselves.
On her twenty-first birthday, as Asteria walked through the city park, the ground beneath her feet began to hum with divine energy. The gods appeared, each radiating an aura of power and grace, their voices harmonizing in a celestial chorus. They expressed their admiration for her resilience and offered her an extraordinary choice: to become the bride of the gods, joining them in eternal divinity, or to continue her new life in the city, untouched by their splendor.
Asteria, standing at the crossroads of destiny and desire, faced an unimaginable decision. The city's heartbeat seemed to pause, knowing that her choice would reverberate through the fabric of their world forever.
Once upon a time, there were three gods. Sol, Lord of the Sun; Aster, Guardian of the Stars; and Luna, Lady of the Moon.
Then war broke out between the Solars and the Lunars, and Aster sacrificed themself to stop it. To prevent such tragedy from occurring again, Luna and Sol decided to create two spirits, two people who would be their representatives among humanity, two people, reincarnated every hundred years, two people who would keep blood from being spilt again.
For millennia, they succeeded. But it only takes one loss.
A hundred years after the fall of the City of Artemis and the extinction of the Lunar people, two girls are born. Diurne and Aurora are the next two in the line of Chosen. Can they restore Artemis and the balance between the Light and the Dark- or will they fall, this time, for good.