11 parts Ongoing In a city where the line between law and crime blurs, Dr. Jeon Wonwoo, a compassionate physician, finds himself drawn to Kim Mingyu, a charismatic and ruthless mafia member. After treating Mingyu for injuries sustained during a turf war, an unexpected bond forms between them, complicating Wonwoo's life and challenging his sense of ethics. As their relationship deepens, Wonwoo grapples with the dangers of Mingyu's world, while Mingyu struggles to balance his loyalty to the mafia with his growing feelings for the doctor.
When a rival gang targets Mingyu, their lives intertwine in a dangerous showdown, forcing Wonwoo to confront his fears and the reality of loving someone entrenched in crime. As they navigate their tumultuous connection, both must decide whether they can embrace the chaos of their lives and the risks that come with their love.