In this compelling novel, Chidinma opens a window into her past, revealing a powerful story from her secondary school days. At the center is Amarachi, a young girl trapped in a cycle of abuse and silence. As Chidinma narrates the painful reality of Amarachi's situation, she also tells of the courageous efforts of her and her friends to rescue Amarachi from her tormentors. Through a blend of heart-wrenching challenges and triumphant moments, the story showcases the strength of friendship, the importance of standing up for what's right, and the profound impact of compassion. A tale of bravery and hope, this novel will resonate deeply with anyone who values the fight for justice and the power of solidarity.
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.